qustion(1):find the product of xy if x,3/2,6/7,y are in a g.p

qustion(2):calculate the angle between the vector u=2i+2j and v=2i+2ji
qustion(3):if the center of a circle,the tangent from X touches A&B and AC is a diameter if AOB=47 calculateBOC

2 answers

I do not understand the first question

I assume question 2 is a typo. If u = v then the angle is 0
u dot v = |u| |v| cos theta

u dot v = 2*2 + 2*2 = 8
|u| = sqrt(4+4) = 2 sqrt 2
|v| = 2 sqrt 2 also (you put in the right values)

8 = 8 cos theta = 8 * 1
cos zero = 1
3 is also a typo mess