quote the full scene in avengers when drax says "why gamora?"

1 answer

This iconic "Why is Gamora" line is from the movie "Avengers: Infinity War" rather than just "Avengers". Here is the full scene where Drax utters this line:

[The Guardians confront Quill and Iron Man's group in the heat of an argument.]

Drax: Allfathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last...

Mantis: We...we have blood to spare.

Drax: -ime.

Iron Man: You guys are so screwed now!

Drax: Bring it, you... I'll... I'll kill you!

Iron Man: Nice beard, by the way. You have one, too.

Dr. Strange: Well, well...

Quill: You guys don't even know what you just started. You just started a war you don't even understand!

Iron Man: It's not a war, it's like a pretty big skirmish, to be honest.

Quill: Is that sarcasm?

Spider-Man: Sort of.

Iron Man: Who's the Earthling who just brought sarcasm in here?

Dr. Strange: I'll do you one better: who is this guy?

Quill: I can't help it, man. It gets the best of me. It gets the best, it just comes right out - I'm sorry.

Drax: I'll do *you* one better: why is Gamora?

Iron Man: Ok, you're not with Thanos?

Quill: *Seriously*? With Thanos? No! I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?

Iron Man: I'll tell you on the way. Come on, we have to coalesce.