Here are the suggested answers for the quiz based on the questions you've provided:
Question 1: What is personal selling?
- Answer: Any form of direct contact between a salesperson and a customer
Question 2: Why is a feature-benefit chart a useful selling tool?
- Answer: Because it recaps all the specific product features and the customer benefits
Question 3: How is routine decision making different than extensive decision making?
- Answer: All of the above (Routine decision making occurs when the customer does not need a lot of information and extensive decision making occurs when there is a need for a lot of product information; Routine decision making often involves brand loyalty, extensive decision making most often does not; In routine decision making the perceived risk is low, in extensive decision making the perceived risk is high)
Question 4: What is the endless chain method?
- Answer: A form of referral
Question 5: What are customer benefits?
- Answer: The advantages of a product or service for a specific customer
Question 6: What is the service approach?
- Answer: Asking the customer if she or he needs any help
Question 7: Steps of the selling process are
- Answer: All of the above (Approaching the customer and presenting the product; Determining needs and overcoming objections; Suggestion selling and closing the sale)
Question 8: How can a salesperson determine a customer’s needs?
- Answer: All of the above (By observing; By listening; By asking)
Question 9: When should a salesperson determine a customer’s needs?
- Answer: As soon as possible
Question 10: Why is determining customer needs important?
- Answer: All of the above (It is part of the selling process; It allows the salesperson to find out more about the customer; It helps the salesperson to recommend the right product or service)
Question 11: A rational motive is a feeling experienced by a customer through association with a product.
- Answer: False
Question 12: In cold canvassing, potential customers are selected at random, such as by going door-to-door or selecting names from a telephone directory.
- Answer: True
Question 13: Nonverbal Communication is expressing yourself with the use of words.
- Answer: False
Question 14: Telemarketing is the process of selling over the telephone.
- Answer: True
Question 15: Consultative selling is providing solutions to customers' problems by finding products that meet their needs.
- Answer: True
Feel free to double-check the specific context of your course material for any adjustments!