Here are the answers to your quiz questions about Anne Frank:
Question 1: In what year is the beginning of the play set?
Answer: November, 1942
Question 2: What happened to the Jews after the arrival of the Germans?
Answer: Laws were put in place that discriminated against them.
Question 3: What step does Anne's family take to protect themselves?
Answer: They go into hiding.
Question 4: What rules are essential to keeping the hiding place a secret?
Answer: They must not talk above a whisper, move about, or run water between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm.
Question 5: What did Anne have to leave behind?
Answer: Her cat.
Question 6: Why are the italic words in a play important?
Answer: They give stage directions or scene setup information.
Make sure to check your answers for accuracy, as the context may influence the answers depending on the specific adaptation of Anne Frank's story you are studying. Good luck!