
where should i inlcude this information in the long long pargraph i provided you below The CRC is a specialised international human rights treaty on children's rights, providing further protection due to their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.). tell me where this goes in after this sentence
The handling of the modern refugee crisis by Australia is neither efficient nor well-functioning; rather, it reflects a dire situation that demonstrates a lack of humanity towards those fleeing violence and persecution. Understanding the differences between the two key stakeholders involved is crucial. An asylum seeker is a person who is in the process of seeking protection due to fear of future consequences or who has experienced their human rights being violated but has not been granted refugee status (Australian Red Cross, 2023). In contrast, a refugee has been granted refugee status by a government organisation providing legal protection (Article 1A) and has support for resettling in their new home after fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, or nationality (UNHCR, 2017). The formation of the 1951 Refugee Convention by the UNCHR arose from the necessity to address post-World War II displacement of populations. Ratified by 145 state parties, it delineated the rights of refugees, marking the first time that rights for those displaced from their own countries have been established. Key to the guidelines set by the Refugee Convention is the principle of non-refoulment, which prohibits a country's right to return refugees or asylum seekers to a place where they face degrading treatment or irreparable harm (UNHCR, 2018). Visa provision is an “an international collective effort to protect refugees and provide them with the basic livelihood requirements”, grant them legal entry and residency in a host country (Good Way Migration, n.d.). Under the 1951 Refugee Convention, the current international obligation is to support basic needs to maintain equal human rights for all. Australia’s international obligations compel it to safeguard the human rights of all asylum seekers who try to reside in Australia, regardless of their background (AHRC, 2023). Currently, in Australia, immigration laws are defined by the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), which is used to govern immigration and citizen matters, including the entry, stay, and removal of non-citizens. For example, Section 5H establishes the legal status and rights of refugees in Australia by incorporating the definition of a refugee from the 1951 Refugee Convention.

1 answer

The information about the CRC providing further protection for children's rights should be included after the sentence: "The handling of the modern refugee crisis by Australia is neither efficient nor well-functioning; rather, it reflects a dire situation that demonstrates a lack of humanity towards those fleeing violence and persecution."

It fits well after this sentence as it emphasizes the vulnerability of children in the refugee crisis and the need for additional protection under the CRC.