1. What are the main characteristics of Kingdom Protista?
2. How do members of Kingdom Protista obtain their food and energy?
3. Provide examples of organisms belonging to Kingdom Protista and describe their unique features.
4. Explain the reproductive methods found in Kingdom Protista.
5. Discuss the ecological roles of Kingdom Protista in various ecosystems.
6. What are the major differences between Kingdom Protista and Kingdom Animalia?
7. Describe the main characteristics of Kingdom Animalia.
8. How do animals obtain their food and energy? Provide examples.
9. Explain the different modes of animal reproduction.
10. Discuss the various ways animals are classified within Kingdom Animalia.
11. Provide examples of animal species belonging to different phyla within Kingdom Animalia.
12. Describe the importance of animals in ecosystems and their ecological roles.
13. Compare and contrast the diversity and complexity of organisms in Kingdom Protista and Kingdom Animalia.
14. Discuss the evolutionary development of animals from Kingdom Protista.
15. Explain the significance of studying Kingdom Protista and Kingdom Animalia in understanding biodiversity and ecological relationships.
Questions to ask students about Kingdom Protisata and Kingdom Animalia out of 15 marks?
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