Questions 6

Read the folktale above 'The Elephant' and answer the questions.

6.1 who is the main character in this story?
6.2 use your pen and underline three direct - speech sentences.
6.3 what did the elephant do to the ant?
6.4 what lesson do we learn out of this folktale?

Answer the questions in short short sentence

1 answer

6.1 The main character in this story is the elephant.
6.2 "I am the king of the forest," said the elephant.
"I will stomp on you with my feet and crush you!" said the elephant.
"You may be big, but I am small and quick," said the ant.
6.3 The elephant threatened to stomp on the ant with its feet.
6.4 The lesson we learn is that size and strength are not always the most important qualities, and that intelligence and quick thinking can also be powerful.