Questionnaire guide

Interview guide
Observation guide
Focus group discussion

1 answer

These terms refer to different qualitative research methods used to collect data and insights. Here’s a brief overview of each:

Questionnaire Guide

  • Definition: A questionnaire guide is a structured set of questions designed to gather information from respondents in a systematic manner. It can be administered in person, via telephone, or online.
  • Purpose: To collect quantitative and qualitative data on specific topics, behaviors, or attitudes.
  • Components:
    • Demographic questions (age, gender, etc.)
    • Closed-ended questions (e.g., multiple choice, Likert scale)
    • Open-ended questions (allowing for elaborate responses)
  • Design Considerations: Clarity, neutrality, and avoiding leading or biased questions.

Interview Guide

  • Definition: An interview guide is a tool used to facilitate one-on-one or group interviews. It includes a list of questions or topics that the interviewer aims to cover during the interview.
  • Purpose: To explore in-depth perspectives, experiences, and feelings of participants regarding a specific subject.
  • Components:
    • Introductory questions (to build rapport)
    • Core questions (focused on the main topics)
    • Probing questions (to encourage deeper responses)
  • Design Considerations: Flexibility to allow for follow-up questions and adapt to the flow of the conversation.

Observation Guide

  • Definition: An observation guide is a framework that researchers use to systematically record their observations in a specific setting or context.
  • Purpose: To collect data on behaviors, events, or interactions as they occur naturally, without interference.
  • Components:
    • Categories or themes for observation (e.g., physical environment, participant behavior)
    • Specific indicators or criteria to look for
    • Space for notes and reflections
  • Design Considerations: The observer’s role (participant vs. non-participant) and maintaining objectivity.

Focus Group Discussion

  • Definition: A focus group discussion is a qualitative research method that involves a small group of participants discussing a specific topic guided by a facilitator.
  • Purpose: To gather diverse viewpoints and insights, as well as to explore participants’ opinions in a social context.
  • Components:
    • Open-ended questions to stimulate discussion
    • Ground rules for interaction (e.g., respect, confidentiality)
    • A skilled facilitator to guide the conversation and probe for deeper insights
  • Design Considerations: Group composition (diversity vs. homogeneity), size (typically 6-12 participants), and logistics (setting, duration).


Each of these tools is essential for qualitative research, and their choice depends on the research objectives, the nature of the information being sought, and the context in which the study is conducted. Properly developed guides for each method can greatly enhance the quality and depth of data collected.