
You receive the results of a paired-comparison preference these of four soft drinks from a sample of 200 persons. The results are as follows:

Koak Zip Pabze Mr.Pep

Koak ---- 50 115 35
Zip 150 --- 160 70
Pabze 85 40 --- 45
Mr.Pep 165 130 155 ---

a). How does these brands rank in overall preference in this sample?

Koak Zip Pabze Mr.Peepers
Total 400 220 430 150
RankOrder 2 3 1 1

b). Develop an interval scale for these four brands. The results are as followed.

Please explain clearly how you came up with the results.

3 answers

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Koak Zip Pabze Mr.peppers

Mp .625 .40 .662 .312
Zj .32 - .254 .42 - .49
Rj .81 .24 .91 .00
What is MP, ZJ, and RJ stand for?