because it is log base10 (H+ ion concentration)
If 2 = log H+a - logH+b
then what is the ratio of H+a to H+b?
2 = log (H+a/H+b) because subtracting logs is division
10 ^ 2 = 10^(log(H+a/H+b) = H+a/H+b
so a difference of 2 in pH is a difference of 100 (NOT 1000 by the way) in concentration
pH diff of 4 is 10^4 = 10,000
Question: Why are "apparently" small changes in pH so important in Biology?
Answer: pH levels are each a 10-fold change so a change by 2 is actually a change by 1000. pH determines certain characteristics in organisms that allow them to live in certain areas so an alteration in pH changes their adaption skills.
why is a change by 2 = 1000?
what would a change by 4 = ?
1 answer