
Use the story to answer the question.

The First Fire

Now there is fire in all rocks, in all sticks. But long ago there wasn't any fire in the world, and all the Yaquis and the animals and the creatures of the sea, everything that lived, gathered in a great council in order to understand why there was no fire.

They knew that somewhere there must be fire, perhaps in the sea, maybe on some islands, or on the other side of the sea. For this reason, Bobok, the Toad, offered to go get this fire. The Crow offered to help him and also the Roadrunner and the Dog. These four, the winged animals and the dog went along to help. But Bobok, the Toad, alone, knew how to enter the water of the sea and not die.

The God of Fire would not permit anyone to take his fire away. For this reason, he still sends thunderbolts and lightning at anyone who carries light or fire. He is always killing them.

But Bobok entered the house of the God of Fire and stole the fire. He carried it in his mouth, traveling through the waters. Lightning and thunder made a great noise and many flashes. But Bobok came on, safe beneath the waters. Then there formed on the flooding water, little whirlpools of water full of rubbish and driftwood.

Suddenly not only one toad was to be seen, but many swam in the waters, many, many toads. They were all singing and carrying little bits of fire. Bobok had met his sons and had given some fire to one, then another, until every toad had some. These carried fire to the land where they were awaited by the Dog, the Roadrunner, and the Crow. Bobok gave his fire to those who could not enter the water.

The God of Fire saw this and threw lightning at the Crow and the Roadrunner and the Dog. But many toads kept on comingBased on the folktale, it can be inferred that the ancient Yaquis held their gods in high regard and believed that fire was a sacred gift from the God of Fire. The story portrays the Yaquis and other beings from nature gathering in a great council to discuss the absence of fire in the world and their quest to obtain it. The fact that Bobok, the Toad, alone knew how to enter the house of the God of Fire without dying suggests a special connection or knowledge possessed by certain creatures that allowed them to interact with the gods. The God of Fire is shown to be protective of his fire, sending thunderbolts and lightning to kill anyone who carries light or fire away from him. However, despite the risks, Bobok successfully steals the fire and distributes it among his offspring, the toads, who then become carriers of fire and bring light to the world. This demonstrates the Yaquis' belief in the power and significance of their gods, as well as their understanding of the transformative nature of fire, which is now embedded in rocks and sticks and can be harnessed by humans through various means like using a drill. and bearing fire to the world. These animals gave light to all the things in the world. They put it into sticks and rocks. Now men can make fire with a drill because the sticks have fire in them.

In three to five sentences, write about how the ancient Yaquis felt about their gods. Use evidence from the folktale to support your idea.

(4 points)

1 answer

The ancient Yaquis held their gods in high regard and believed in their power and significance. They gathered in a great council with all creatures of the land and sea to discuss and seek the presence of fire, recognizing it as a sacred gift from the God of Fire. They believed that certain creatures, like Bobok, possessed special knowledge or connections with the gods, allowing them to interact with them and acquire fire. This belief is evident in the story through Bobok's successful theft of fire from the God of Fire and the protective measures taken by the god to prevent anyone from taking his fire away.