Question of the Day: What kind of rules protect everyone's rights when we use each other's content?
Key Vocabulary:
copyright - the exclusive legal right to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same
Journal: Think about some of the photos, drawings, and written work that you have created in the past, or even the web site that you will create in this class. Without a clear license, all of those things are covered under the fully restrictive copyright. Which Creative Commons license would you rather use (if any) and why?
Write a paragraph in a 9th graders response
1 answer
I would prefer to use the Creative Commons Attribution license because it allows others to freely share and build upon my work as long as they give me credit. I believe in sharing knowledge and ideas, so I would want people to use my content to create something new and exciting. It also helps protect my rights as the original creator by ensuring that others cannot claim my work as their own. This license promotes collaboration and creativity, which is important to me as a student and aspiring artist.