Question:'I'm young.I want to have fun, not spend my time studying!'

What are your views on this statement?
In my opinion,this thought would obviously occur from time to time in the mind of any teenager spending his/her time studying for upcoming examinations.The stress of studying and the burden of memorizing, remembering and revising, sometimes places this absurd longing to give up studying and to enjoy life as a youngster, but this could lead to destruction of the body and mind if drugs,alcohol and peer pressure are involved.
Unemployment is now very common in the United Kingdom, as it is in various other countries.People do not have the money and intellect to work and help their own families and community.But jobs are also scarce, which results to many on the streets causing problems and tension between themselves and others.An example would be the riots that occurred last summer in the UK.As most of us know, majority of the rioters were youngsters in their teens.
On the other hand, studying without rest could destroy the mind in other ways, causing constant stress, lack of sleep and worry, which results to an unhealthy lifestyle.It could also lead to family separation, which is that you have limited time to spend with your family members and friends.
I also think that if students have difficulty learning, they could consider other jobs for their future which do not require much calculation like fashion designing,etc.After all, the key to every closed door is knowledge and that's exactly why it is very important to be a punctual student.
Most students do not have an aim in life, as to what career they'd like to take and what salary they'd want to earn.Others have ambitions of life..I would a dvise all teenagers to fill these few care free years with as much knowledge and understanding, before having to lead a life of their own.
Ultimatley I'd say that the nation depend upon their teenagers for a better futureand that us 'youngsters' are role models to those younger and below us.

Thanks for checking!I appreciate the help..

1 answer

Please review what I posted a minute or so ago regarding fully developed paragraphs.

Check all spelling.

Get rid of all redundancy and unnecessary wording (such as "In my opinion" -- of course, it's your opinion! You're writing this!!).

Check all spacing -- put a space after every word, comma, period, etc.