To compare the fractions and mixed numbers, we first need to convert all of them into improper fractions or decimal form if needed.
Let's convert the mixed numbers:
- Start Fraction 5 over 2 End Fraction = \(2 \frac{1}{2} = 2.5\) or \(\frac{5}{2}\)
- Start Fraction 11 over 4 End Fraction = \(2 \frac{3}{4} = 2.75\) or \(\frac{11}{4}\)
- Start Fraction 17 over 6 End Fraction = \(2 \frac{5}{6} \approx 2.8333\) or \(\frac{17}{6}\)
- Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction = \(\frac{2}{3} \approx 0.6667\)
Now let's look at the numeric values:
- 2.5 (or \(\frac{5}{2}\))
- 2.75 (or \(\frac{11}{4}\))
- 2.8333 (or \(\frac{17}{6}\))
- 0.6667 (or \(\frac{4}{6}\))
Now, we can order these fractions and mixed numbers from smallest to largest:
- \( \frac{4}{6}\) (or \( \approx 0.6667\))
- \( \frac{5}{2}\) (or \(2.5\))
- \( \frac{11}{4}\) (or \(2.75\))
- \( \frac{17}{6}\) (or \(2.8333\))
So, the correct numeric order of these fractions and mixed numbers from smallest to largest is:
Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction , Start Fraction 5 over 2 End Fraction , Start Fraction 11 over 4 End Fraction , Start Fraction 17 over 6 End Fraction.