Question : Explain the difference between absolute threshold and difference threshold.

Work with your partner to create a 2-3 minute presentation (1-2 slides).

Include the following:

Background on your question.

Explain any vocabulary in simple terms.

Answer the question clearly.

1 answer

Certainly! Below is a structured outline for a 2-3 minute presentation on the difference between absolute threshold and difference threshold. You can create a PowerPoint with the suggested content for each slide.

Slide 1: Background on Sensory Perception

Title: Understanding Absolute and Difference Thresholds


  • What is Sensory Perception?

    • Sensory perception refers to the process by which we interpret sensory information from our environment.
    • Our senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) help us interact with the world around us.
  • Key Terms:

    • Threshold: A threshold is a point at which a stimulus is strong enough to be detected by our senses.

Slide 2: Absolute Threshold vs. Difference Threshold

Title: Absolute Threshold vs. Difference Threshold


  • Absolute Threshold:

    • Definition: The absolute threshold is the smallest amount of a stimulus needed for it to be detected by our senses 50% of the time.
    • Example: The faintest sound a person can hear in a quiet environment. If you can hear a ticking watch from 20 feet away in a quiet room, that's the watch's absolute threshold for sound detection.
  • Difference Threshold (Just Noticeable Difference - JND):

    • Definition: The difference threshold is the smallest amount of change in a stimulus that can be detected. It refers to the minimum difference needed to notice a change in intensity or quality.
    • Example: If a person is holding a weight of 10 pounds, they may need to add 1 pound for them to notice a difference. If you add 1 pound, they will likely notice the change (this 1 pound difference is the difference threshold).

Clear Summary:

  • In Overview:

    • The absolute threshold is about the minimum level of stimulation needed to detect a stimulus, while the difference threshold focuses on the minimum amount of change required to perceive a difference in stimuli.
  • Importance:

    • Understanding these thresholds can help in fields like psychology, marketing, and product design, guiding how we perceive our environment.

Delivery Tips:

  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  • Engage your audience by asking questions related to everyday examples.
  • Possibly include some visuals (like graphs or images) illustrating the concepts to help make your points clearer.

Feel free to adapt the content and formatting according to your style and preferences!