Question: Develop a valuation for Facebook. Make sure to utilize the full valuation framework from the EI textbook.
Also, consider Zynga’s contribution to the valuation and the industry competitive landscape. Be sure to discuss the relevant variables and develop an Excel spreadsheet.
Indications : You need to fully implement the PIE valuation framework from the " Expectations Investing " -(
textbook. You should also discuss relevant ratios and other metrics for Facebook and compare to Zynga and other peers in the industry.
Please note that there is no limit in scope for your analysis. The case information is just your starting point and you are not limited to it. You are to consider all relevant publicly available information up to the present to answer the questions in the most substantiated manner. Regarding the valuation analysis, you are doing the valuation as of today (the day you start your analysis).
There is pertinent information in the FB case, FB filings with the SEC, and other online sources that will provide you with the data and information needed to adequately address all questions.