Question: 6

Karel starts at Row 1 and Column 1, facing East. After calling the stairStep function twice, where will Karel be and what direction will Karel be facing? (assume this is a SuperKarel program and the world is 10x10 in size)

function stairStep() {

Row 2, Column 2, Facing North

Row 3, Column 3, Facing East

Row 3, Column 3, Facing West

Row 4, Column 4, Facing East

1 answer

Let's break down what happens when Karel calls the stairStep function twice.

  1. Initial Position: Karel starts at Row 1, Column 1, facing East.

  2. First Call to stairStep():

    • move(): Karel moves from Row 1, Column 1 to Row 1, Column 2. (Facing East)
    • turnLeft(): Karel turns left, now facing North.
    • move(): Karel moves from Row 1, Column 2 to Row 2, Column 2. (Facing North)
    • turnRight(): Karel turns right, now facing East.

    After the first call to stairStep(), Karel is at Row 2, Column 2, facing East.

  3. Second Call to stairStep():

    • move(): Karel moves from Row 2, Column 2 to Row 2, Column 3. (Facing East)
    • turnLeft(): Karel turns left, now facing North.
    • move(): Karel moves from Row 2, Column 3 to Row 3, Column 3. (Facing North)
    • turnRight(): Karel turns right, now facing East.

After the second call to stairStep(), Karel is at Row 3, Column 3, facing East.

So, after calling the stairStep() function twice, Karel will be at:

Row 3, Column 3, Facing East.