Raster data is stored as a grid of cells, where each cell contains a value representing a specific attribute such as elevation or temperature. Each cell is associated with a specific geographic location based on its position in the grid. This type of data is commonly used for representing continuous phenomena and is stored in formats such as GeoTIFF or JPEG.
Vector data, on the other hand, is stored as a series of points, lines, and polygons, each of which represents a specific geographic feature such as roads, rivers, or administrative boundaries. These geometric objects are defined by their coordinates and attributes, allowing for more detailed representation of spatial features. Vector data is typically stored in formats such as Shapefile or GeoJSON.
In summary, raster data is stored as a grid of cells with attribute values, while vector data is stored as geometric objects with coordinates and attributes.
Question 4.3 [4 marks]
Differentiate between how raster data and vector data are stored.
1 answer