Here are the answers for the questions based on typical study and test-taking strategies:
Question 4: True or false: According to Module 3: During a Test, for multiple choice questions, you should read the question first, put it into your own words, and think of what your answer might be--and do all of this BEFORE you look at the choices.
- Answer: True
Question 5: According to the Module 3: During a Test, it's important to do which of the following during a test?
- Answer: budget time and prioritize each section
Question 6: Which questions should you answer first, the easy ones or the hard ones?
- Answer: the easy ones
Question 7: According to Module 3: After a Test, the better students will do which of the following with their college exams?
- Answer: benefit from the results by doing an error analysis
Question 8: In multiple choice questions, you should watch out for absolute words, and be aware that those absolute words are rarely found in the correct choice. Which of these is NOT one of those absolute words?
- Answer: usually
Question 9: In the video "10 Ways to Avoid Making Stupid Mistakes on Exams," the College Info Geek says you should create an outline of your answer to an essay question before starting to write. He says "Yes, it helps with organization, but the BIG thing it helps with is..."
- Answer: memory retention
Question 10: If you are looking over a test and you see you've made a lot of mechanical errors, what should you do for the next test you take?
- Answer: Slow down! Don’t rush through the exam. Take the time to do things right the first time.
Feel free to adjust any of the responses based on more specific content covered in the module if needed!