Question #12

DDT is a chemical that is sprayed to lower the population of mosquitos in an effort to reduce the risk of certain diseases. Due to genetic variation in the mosquito population, a few are resistant to DDT and survive.
What will be the future impact on the mosquito population after years of DDT use?
increase in the number of mosquitoes that are sensitive to DDT
Question #15
Male guppies have brightly colored spots and stripes, and females are gray in color, which causes the male supres to at pret the female guphe. oice, the males right colori elsa cause them he
guppy population by transferring half of the guppies from a predator-free pond (Y) into a pond (Z) that contains pike cichlids. The scientist records the number of brightly colored and gray guppies in each pond and shows the data from three generations in a graph.
increase in the number of mosquitoes that are resistant to DDT
increase in the number of mosquitoes that can be used to treat diseases
increase in the number of mosquitoes that can withstand all types of chemicals

1 answer

Increase in the number of mosquitoes that are resistant to DDT.