Question 1
Woodrow Wilson wished to keep the United States neutral at the outbreak of World War I primarily because h
A)secretly admired German culture and the German university system.
B) wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war.
C) was a Presbyterian and could not bring himself to commit American troops to fight on behalf of a Catholic country such as France.
D) was a pacifist who believed that the United States should never go to war.
Question 2
Progressives believed that ...
A)the social Darwinists were correct in their thinking
B)people could act constructively and successfully.
C)America was drifting helplessly toward catastrophe.
D)America was drifting helplessly toward catastrophe. haos
Question 3
All of the following were advantages that large American retailers possessed in the early years of American mass marketing except
A)a mobile society.
B) an expanding advertising industry.
C)a less visibly demarcated class system.
D) consumer loyalty to small, local businesses
Question 4
After the Civil War, metropolitan newspapers
A)expanded to include human-interest stories, a women's page, and society and sports sections
B)lost readership as literacy declined.
C)covered more national and international news than local events.
D) attained a reputation for factual, objective news coverage.
Question 5
At the end of the nineteenth century, urban Protestant churches reacted to the influx of non-Protestants by
A)evangelizing and making the church an instrument of social uplift.
B)isolating themselves from surrounding neighborhoods.
C) sending their most effective ministers into downtown churches and synagogues to counter the Catholics and convert the Jews.
D) segregating their congregations according to social class.
Question 6
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the conduct of American diplomacy in the late nineteenth century?
A)Most American diplomats were appointed after passing civil service examinations.
B) In Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands, diplomacy was left to American missionaries who worked to Christianize native populations.
C) The State Department exercised increasingly tighter control over U.S. consuls and naval officers abroad.
D)Preoccupied with domestic politics, the Senate almost entirely abandoned foreign affairs to the presidency's control.
Question 7
The notion of “separate spheres” in the late nineteenth century referred to the controversial idea and debate that
A)men and women had different natures.
B)women were equal to men.
C) women's place was in the public realm.
D) women were not fit for a higher spiritual realm.
Question 8
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes Samuel Gompers's and the American Federation of Labor's response to the rise of progressivism?
A)They hardened their pro-voluntarism stance and worked tirelessly to defeat progressive candidates at the ballot.
B)They joined the battle for progressive legislation and increasingly became its strongest advocate, especially regarding the issue of workers' compensation
C)They thoroughly distrusted progressive middle-class do-gooders and insisted that workers could win through their own bargaining.
D)THEY Refused to buy newspapers and magazines known for publishing muckraking articles.
Question 9
A)resulted from Andrew Carnegie's desire to break the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers.
B)was the culmination of a long history of poor labor relations at Homestead.
C) was led by immigrant German Marxists.
D) ended when the strike leaders were held in contempt of court and jailed.
Question 10
Urban social democrats and agrarian radicals opposed the Populist Party's emphasis on free silver because
A)the supply of silver was too small.
B) it drew attention away from the more
progressive features of the Populists' program.
C) they preferred the gold standard.
D) it was too controversial.
4 answers
Since this is a quiz, you surely must know some of these answers.
We'll be glad to check YOUR answers.
2. C and D are repeated.
3. Probably D.
4. Probably A.
5. It can't be B, C, or D.
6. ?
7. At that time women were denied the vote because many men and women believed that women's natural place was at home, and not concerning themselves with politics.
9. Where's the question?
Question 9
The strike by steelworkers at Homestead, Pennsylvania,