Question 1

Video Player
Introduction: Conductivity, ionic, covalent solutions, ions, electricity - Make sure you are reviewing Unit 4 Lessons 4-6 to help with portfolio concepts.
1. Watch the Video in U4L4 pg. 3 Conductivity Solutions U4L4 p 3 and answer the following questions.

Review U4L4 pg 2

A)Which solution in the video demonstrated the properties of an ionic solution(1 point)

the C12H22O11 solution
the C12H22O11 solution

The NaCl solution
The NaCl solution

The H2O solution
The H2O solution

The sugar solution
The sugar solution
B)If the light bulb does not light up that means the solution(1 point)

The solution is most likely made up of a covalent substance
The solution is most likely made up of a covalent substance

The solution contains salt
The solution contains salt

The substance contains ions
The substance contains ions

The solution is most likely made up of an ionic substance
The solution is most likely made up of an ionic substance
C)In order for conductivity to be measured the ions have to be(1 point)

freely moving (aqueous solution)
freely moving (aqueous solution)

made up of a covalent solution
made up of a covalent solution

present whether in solid or liquid form
present whether in solid or liquid form

Negatively Charged
Negatively Charged
Question 2
Video Player
Part 2 - Conductivity, Electricity, Insulator, Solution, etc. Make sure you are reviewing Unit 4 Lessons 4-6 to help with portfolio concepts.
Review the recording and make sure you are reading Unit Lesson 5 (pages 2-8)

A)Electricity is energy that (1 point)

comes from the movement of charged particles.
comes from the movement of charged particles.

will not complete a circuit
will not complete a circuit

comes from covalent molecules
comes from covalent molecules

is always contained in solutions
is always contained in solutions
B)The role of the battery in the circuit of a conductivity meter is(2 points)

to power the lightbulb in covalent and ionic solutions
to power the lightbulb in covalent and ionic solutions

the power source
the power source

to produce ions in solution
to produce ions in solution

to measure the amount of ions in solution
to measure the amount of ions in solution
C)What needs to occur in a solution in order for it to conduct electricity?(2 points)

It needs to have a substance that separates into ions
It needs to have a substance that separates into ions

It needs to have a substance that is always covalent
It needs to have a substance that is always covalent

It needs to have a substance that contains chloride
It needs to have a substance that contains chloride

It needs to produce a chemical reaction
It needs to produce a chemical reaction
Question 3
Video Player
Part A: "Macro" Tab - Make sure you are reviewing Unit 4 Lessons 4-6 in order to help you with the portfolio concepts.
"Macro" Tab Part A - Watch the video with the pHET demonstration or go to the pHET Virtual Lab and complete the steps on your own. Answer the following questions

Click on “show values” in the concentration section. Drag the conductivity meter and place the positive (+) and negative (-) ends in the water. Answer the questions below.

A)The conductivity meter conducts electricity when placed in water.(1 point)


Part B: "Macro" Tab
Use the “solute” section to add salt to the water. “Shake” the container of salt to add. Observe what happens to the conductivity meter. Answer the questions below.
B)There is evidence that NaCl is an ionic substance(1 point)


C)Adding more NaCl to the solution increases the number of ions in solution.(1 point)


Part C: "Macro" Tab
Click “Reset All” in the bottom right corner, drag the conductivity meter into the solution again. Select “Sugar” as your solute and add the container of sugar to the solution. Answers the questions below.
D)What is the visible evidence that sugar is not an ionic substance?(1 point)

The sugar molecules separate in solution
The sugar molecules separate in solution

The sugar molecules separate into ions
The sugar molecules separate into ions

The conductivity meter does not light up
The conductivity meter does not light up

The conductivity meter lights up
The conductivity meter lights up
E)The properties of sugar in this experiment demonstrate it its most likely a/an(1 point)

Covalent substance
Covalent substance

substance that does not conduct electricity
substance that does not conduct electricity

Ionic substance
Ionic substance

substance that breaks apart into ions
substance that breaks apart into ions
F)The properties of salt in this experiment demonstrate it its most likely a/an(1 point)

substance that does not conduct electricity
​​​​​​ substance that does not conduct electricity

Covalent substance
Covalent substance

substance that breaks apart into ions​​​​​​​
substance that breaks apart into ions ​​​​​​​

Ionic substance
Ionic substance
Question 4
Video Player
Part A: "Micro" Tab Make sure you are reviewing Unit 4 Lessons 4-6 to help with portfolio concepts.
"Micro" Tab Part A - Watch the video with the pHET demonstration or go to the pHET Virtual Lab and complete the steps on your own. Answer the following questions

Add sodium chloride (NaCl) to the water. Sodium chloride is salt and sucrose is sugar. Switch the solute to sucrose (C12H22O11) and add this to the same solution. Answer the questions below.

A)When the sodium chloride (NaCl) and sucrose (C12H22O11) are added to the water, the(2 points)

sodium chloride dissociates into ions and the sucrose does not
sodium chloride dissociates into ions and the sucrose does not

sodium chloride and sucrose both dissociate into ions
sodium chloride and sucrose both dissociate into ions

sucrose dissociates into ions and the sodium chloride does not
sucrose dissociates into ions and the sodium chloride does not

sodium chloride and sucrose do not dissociate into ions
sodium chloride and sucrose do not dissociate into ions
Part B: "Micro" Tab
Micro" Tab Part B - Watch the video with the pHET demonstration, read the information below and review U4L5 pg. 2 :

"What is Conductivity?"

"Solutions are all around us. While ionic solutions of different strengths are used as conductors, covalent solutions, which contain covalent molecules, and covalent compounds are used as insulators.

Electricity is energy that comes from the movement of charged particles. In this diagram, the electrons in the metal wire move from the positive end of the battery to the negative end. Similarly, in a solution containing ionic compounds, the charged ions move when they're part of a circuit."

Read Unit 4 Lesson 5 page 2, paragraphs 3 and 4 to continue learning about this topic and answer the following questions, after reviewing the recording and reading the above passage from the lesson:

B)Based on part A (above) and reviewing the U4L5 lesson, you can conclude that (click all that apply)(2 points)

sugar is a covalent compound, salt is an ionic compound
sugar is a covalent compound, salt is an ionic compound

salt is a covalent compound and sugar is a covalent compound
salt is a covalent compound and sugar is a covalent compound

sugar is a conductor of electricity and salt is a conductor of electricity
sugar is a conductor of electricity and salt is a conductor of electricity

a sugar molecule is made up on non metals and salt is made up on a metal and non metal

1 answer

Here are the answers based on the context you've provided regarding conductivity, ionic and covalent solutions, and the associated lessons.

Question 1 A) Which solution in the video demonstrated the properties of an ionic solution?

  • Response: The NaCl solution

B) If the light bulb does not light up, that means the solution:

  • Response: The solution is most likely made up of a covalent substance

C) In order for conductivity to be measured the ions have to be:

  • Response: freely moving (aqueous solution)

Question 2 A) Electricity is energy that:

  • Response: comes from the movement of charged particles.

B) The role of the battery in the circuit of a conductivity meter is:

  • Response: the power source

C) What needs to occur in a solution in order for it to conduct electricity?

  • Response: It needs to have a substance that separates into ions

Question 3 Part A: A) The conductivity meter conducts electricity when placed in water.

  • Response: False

Part B: B) There is evidence that NaCl is an ionic substance.

  • Response: True

C) Adding more NaCl to the solution increases the number of ions in solution.

  • Response: True

Part C: D) What is the visible evidence that sugar is not an ionic substance?

  • Response: The conductivity meter does not light up

E) The properties of sugar in this experiment demonstrate it is most likely a/an:

  • Response: Covalent substance

F) The properties of salt in this experiment demonstrate it is most likely a/an:

  • Response: Ionic substance

Question 4 Part A: A) When the sodium chloride (NaCl) and sucrose (C12H22O11) are added to the water, the:

  • Response: sodium chloride dissociates into ions and the sucrose does not

Part B: B) Based on part A (above) and reviewing the U4L5 lesson, you can conclude that (click all that apply):

  • Response: sugar is a covalent compound, salt is an ionic compound
  • Response: a sugar molecule is made up of non-metals and salt is made up of a metal and a non-metal

Let me know if you need further assistance or clarification on any of these points!