Question 1: Technical meetings can vary in type, including brainstorming sessions, project update meetings, problem-solving meetings, and decision-making meetings. These meetings are typically used to discuss specific technical issues, share information, collaborate on projects, and make decisions related to technical processes or systems.
Question 2: One leadership style that can be used in a meeting is democratic leadership, where the leader encourages group participation in decision-making and values input from all team members. This style fosters collaboration, creativity, and a sense of ownership among team members.
Question 3: When making decisions in a meeting, processes such as brainstorming, discussion, analysis of potential solutions, and voting may be used. It is important for the decision-making process to be transparent, inclusive, and based on objective criteria and input from all relevant stakeholders.
Question 4: When a motion is raised in a meeting, procedures typically involve the motion being proposed by a member, seconded by another member, discussed by the group, and then voted on. The chairperson of the meeting plays a key role in facilitating the motion process and ensuring that all members have the opportunity to voice their opinions.
Question 5: The note taker in a meeting is responsible for capturing key points, decisions, and actions during the meeting. Attributes of a good note taker include attentiveness, organization, and the ability to summarize information quickly and accurately. The note taker plays a crucial role in documenting meeting proceedings and ensuring that important information is recorded for future reference.
Question 1 (SO 1, AC 1)
Describe the type of technical meetings and their uses
Question 2 (SO 1, AC 2)
Identify and explain any leadership style that can be used in a meeting
Question 3 (SO 1, AC 3)
Explain the processes used when making decisions in meeting
Question 4 (SO 1, AC 4)
Explain the procedures involved when a motion is raised in a meeting convention
Question 5 (SO 1, AC 5)
Describe the attributes, roles and responsibilities of a note taker in a meeting
1 answer