Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
A)What is the bit representation of 101?(1 point)
A)When comparing advantages and disadvantages between the use of hard drive, optical drives, and solid-state drive (SSD), what is a disadvantage of an
minimum storage space
easily damaged
more expensive
A)Data is stored in binary when being processed by the computer. What term is used when it is saved on a secondary storage device?(1 point)
A)If any staff leaves an organization, which advantage avoids confusion with management of files?(1 point)
named folders and files
data inconsistency
limited data sharing
data redundancy
A)What will happen when fragmentation occurs?(1 point)
Solid-state drive (SSD) will store data at a lower speed.
HDD performance will improve close to SSD performance.
Data is written closer on the drive to maintain access speeds.
Data retrieval speeds will diminish on hard disk drive (HDD) because the physical disk heads have more physical movement, inducing more latency.
A)Which of the following is true regarding focus groups?(1 point)
Focus groups are not of use when time is limited.
Participants must be chosen at random so that their opinion can be trusted.
Researchers should closely monitor the discussion to prevent individuals dominating responses.
Focus groups can provide data similar to a checklist.
A)Which of the following is true regarding differences between a structured and semi-structured interview?(1 point)
A structured interview expects more of the same responses than a semi-structured interview.
A semi-structured interview provides more clarity than a structured interview.
A semi-structured interview allows for more bias than a structured interview.
A structured interview has less deviation in the set questions than a semi-structured interview.
A)When utilizing data visualization, how can you identify an outlier?(1 point)
An outlier depends on the freedom in giving opinions to open- and close-ended questions.
An outlier falls neatly into the patterns within the data.
An outlier can be located through utilizing an infographic.
An outlier is a data point well away from the main body of data.
A)Which of the following models could describe a real-world simulation that calculates the population of caterpillars on trees over the course of a specific y
discrete model
physical model
A)Given a collection of two data sets: a list of intersection locations and associated “number of accidents.” Which representation is most efficient for comm
danger of the set of intersections?(1 point)
point plot
pie chart
Suppose we are designing security software that will use a personal identification number (PIN) of more than 10 digits to verify a client. The number of cha
the PIN size. One measure of security is the time effort needed to discover a client PIN by searching all possible PINs (called the search size).A large time
security. We want a visualization that will help clients understand the relationship of PIN size and search time.
We will “collect” our data by writing Python code, below, to generate and store it. We will then add code to structure and organize it and generate a visualiz
information include the scale used for measuring time, size, and effort, and relationships among them.
When executed, the code prints out four lines: first line for number of digits (or PIN size) in a PIN, two lines for the corresponding number of locations (or se
for a PIN size, and one line for associated time to search the number of locations for each PIN size.
numdigits = [] #list for pin size or number of digits in a pin
searchsize = [] #associated list of number of locations to search for each pin size
searchtime = [] #associated list of time it takes to search the associated searchsize
count = 15
while count < 27:
quantity = 10 ** count
numdigits.append(count) #add to pin size list
searchsize.append(quantity) #add to searchsize list
#convert seconds to years where 31536000 secs in a year
years = int((searchsize[count-16]/1500000000)/31536000)
searchtime.append(years) #add to searchtime list
count += 1
print("pin size: ", numdigits[0:10])
print("search size: ", searchsize[0:5])
print("search size:", searchsize[6:11])
print("search time: ", searchtime[0:10])
Examine the above code with respect to structuring and organizing the data. What visualization should our program generate to communicate an understa
(1 point)
point plot where each “point” has a size that represents the pair (PIN size, search time in years), and the size of each point depicts the search size
bar graph where the y-column represents search size and search time (in units of a week), and the x-column represents PIN size
point plot of points on X-Y axes where the x-axis represents search size, and the y-axis represents search time (in months)
graph of two curves on an X-Y plot, one relating PIN size to search size and the other, PIN size to search time, where the y-axis measures time (in units of a week)
A)Can data visualization help the data analyst to make data-driven decisions?(1 point)
Yes, data visualization only helps in generating reports.
No, it is not very important to the analysis, it can be omitted.
Yes, it helps the data analyst with detecting patterns and trends that could be used in making an informed decision.
No, it is solely based on the data analyst to make decisions. Data visualization makes no contribution to it.
A)Would reading a comma-separated values (CSV) file on Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet be considered data visualization?(1 point)
Yes, it represents data, so we should consider it a visualization.
No, it cannot be used for testing.
No, it is not representing the dataset as a visual representation we should not consider it a visualization.
Yes, an analyst could detect the trend from a table, so we can call it visualization.
A)A researcher has selected software that allows them to control the number of times a simulation is run and output statistical comparisons between the run
is the strongest justification for this choice?(1 point)
They need to have statistically reliable results, and this will only require one simulation run so they do not want to waste resources.
They need to have statistically reliable results, and this can require more than one simulation run.
They need to have the ability to interact with the model in 3D space.
They need to have the ability to alter the model based on previous results.
A)Although people want systems integrated for ease of use and access, they are sometimes against this integration because they do not want to share the What term best describes this attitude?(1 point)
point-to-point integration
butterfly effect
personnel shortage
A)A client of yours is trying to open their web browser after installing Google Chrome. They are having trouble with it not opening correctly, and the program
or run at all. What might be happening in this scenario, and what solution should they attempt?(1 point)
error 404, reinstall the program
central processing unit (CPU) malfunction, random access memory (RAM) reboot
no internet, reboot machine
Boolean error, restart the computer
A)Which of the following steps in the troubleshooting process involves you writing down or logging the issues that occurred and how they were solved as w
suggestions on how to prevent them in the future?(1 point)
call the client
test theory
create a plan
document findings
You receive an error in the integrated development environment (IDE) while writing code. The line triggering the error is as follows:
print (“hello, world,”).
If you are following a flowchart organizational method to troubleshooting, then what are the steps of the troubleshooting process you have left to complete i
the information at hand? Please list them in sequential order.
(1 point)
document findings, identify a problem, test a theory, retest a theory
test a theory, document findings
establish a theory, test a theory, create a plan, document findings
create a plan, identify a problem, document findings
A)Could having background and domain knowledge about a software product help when composing an effective troubleshooting plan?(1 point)
It is only important for developers to have domain knowledge since they primarily compose effective troubleshooting plans.
It is not important for all teams to have the domain knowledge to compose an effective troubleshooting plan.
It is only important for testers to have domain knowledge since they primarily compose effective troubleshooting plans.
It is important for all teams to have domain knowledge so they can compose an effective troubleshooting plan.
A)You are a tester at a software development company. You have been asked to document how an application should properly be run for technical support
apply to the documentation produced?(1 point)
frequently asked questions (FAQ)
1 answer
Here are the answers to your questions:
What is the bit representation of 101?
Answer: 1100101
What is a disadvantage of an SSD when comparing it with hard drive and optical drives?
Answer: more expensive
What term is used when data is saved on a secondary storage device?
Answer: file
Which advantage avoids confusion with management of files when staff leave an organization?
Answer: named folders and files
What happens when fragmentation occurs?
Answer: Data retrieval speeds will diminish on hard disk drive (HDD) because the physical disk heads have more physical movement, inducing more latency.
Which of the following is true regarding focus groups?
Answer: Researchers should closely monitor the discussion to prevent individuals dominating responses.
Which of the following is true regarding differences between a structured and semi-structured interview?
Answer: A structured interview has less deviation in the set questions than a semi-structured interview.
How can you identify an outlier when utilizing data visualization?
Answer: An outlier is a data point well away from the main body of data.
Which of the following models could describe a real-world simulation that calculates the population of caterpillars on trees over the course of a specific year?
Answer: discrete model
Which representation is most efficient for communicating the danger of a set of intersections based on intersection locations and number of accidents?
Answer: point plot
What visualization should our program generate to clearly communicate the relationship of PIN size and search time?
Answer: graph of two curves on an X-Y plot, one relating PIN size to search size and the other, PIN size to search time, where the y-axis measures time (in units of a week)
Can data visualization help the data analyst to make data-driven decisions?
Answer: Yes, it helps the data analyst with detecting patterns and trends that could be used in making an informed decision.
Would reading a CSV file on Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet be considered data visualization?
Answer: Yes, an analyst could detect the trend from a table, so we can call it visualization.
What is the strongest justification for using software that allows control over the number of times a simulation is run?
Answer: They need to have statistically reliable results, and this can require more than one simulation run.
What term best describes the attitude of those against system integration for sharing data?
Answer: protectionism
What might be happening if a client cannot open their web browser after installing Google Chrome, and what solution should they attempt?
Answer: central processing unit (CPU) malfunction, random access memory (RAM) reboot
Which step in the troubleshooting process involves documenting issues and solutions?
Answer: document findings
What are the steps of the troubleshooting process you have left to complete if you encounter an error in an IDE?
Answer: establish a theory, test a theory, create a plan, document findings
Could domain knowledge help when composing an effective troubleshooting plan?
Answer: It is important for all teams to have domain knowledge so they can compose an effective troubleshooting plan.
What applies to documenting how an application should properly be run for technical support?
Answer: runbook
If you need further explanations or additional information on any specific question, feel free to ask!