Question 1


Directions: The information is from a news bulletin about wildfires. Use the news bulletin to answer any questions that follow.

The wildfires suffered by East Texas in the fall of 2011 were extremely severe. Wildlife biologists have determined that the fires burned meadow and forest ecosystems to the extent that grasses and wildflowers will not recover quickly. The decreased herbaceous ground cover has diminished food for native insects. As insects have declined, the Houston toad has lost both ground cover for homes and a major source of food. It may take years for Texas' population of Houston toads to reach its former level.

The Parks and Wildlife Department of the State of Texas is interested in increasing the population of Houston toads Scientific research by wildlife biologists will help the state of Texas achieve this goal. Their work will likely show that the growth of herbaceous ground cover should be


prevented until the plants can support a stable breeding population of Houston toads.


monitored until the plants can support a stable breeding population of Houston toads. redirected until the plants can support a stable breeding population of Houston toads.

Od slowed down until the plants can support a stable breeding population of Houston toads.

1 answer

Ca - prevented until the plants can support a stable breeding population of Houston toads.