Here are the answers to your multiple-choice questions:
Question 1: Based on the chart, which demographic had the lowest overall increase or no increase in voter turnout between 1990 and 2018?
- Asian (from 40.2% in 1990 to 40.2% in 2018, with no overall increase).
Question 2: Which amendment safeguards against the government infringing on the right to due process?
- Fifth (The Fifth Amendment includes provisions that safeguard the right to due process).
Question 3: What is the first step in forming public policy for legislators?
- Getting the idea for a bill on the agenda.
Question 4: Which of the following statements explains Smith's use of bias in their quote?
- Omission—Smith wanted to reduce support for Jones (by not mentioning the specific circumstances of Jones' vote).
Question 5: Why is an interview an important step in the naturalization process?
- Ensures that the applicant has a clean background and is truthful about their application.
Question 6: Which founding principle from the Declaration of Independence is reflected in the election process today?
- Popular sovereignty (the principle that the government's authority is created and sustained by the consent of its people).
Question 7: How does the judicial branch interact with the executive branch?
- Federal judges can declare executive orders unconstitutional.
Question 8: The Federalists wanted to ratify the U.S. Constitution in order to establish
- a government that could successfully fulfill the needs of the citizens.
Question 9: Why is national security important for U.S. foreign policy?
- It protects citizens and their property.
Question 10: How did the Constitution improve on the Articles of Confederation regarding the legislative branch?
- Established a bicameral legislature.
Question 11: What is the first step in the public policy analysis cycle?
- Learn.
Question 12: A business donates triple the amount of money they are allowed to give to one candidate. Why is this a public issue?
- Undermines fairness in elections.
Question 13: In another country's recent election, investigators found widespread evidence of voter intimidation and bribery. Which U.S. founding principle was violated?
- Popular sovereignty.
Question 14: What is an ideal situation for a president trying to pass a law on their agenda?
- The majority party is the same as the president's party.
Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!