Here are the correct responses to each question based on historical context:
Question 1
A) Which of the following can be inferred about China’s Ming Dynasty tribute system?
Correct Response: By persuading other countries to pay tribute, China demonstrated that it was a powerful country that others should respect.
Question 2
A) Which of the following best interprets the impact of global trade on Ming China?
Correct Response: Limiting Western access to Ming China kept the country free of foreign influence for a time, but not forever.
Question 3
A) Which of the following statements best interprets why the Ming Dynasty fell?
Correct Response: A combination of internal and external forces weakened the Ming Dynasty over time.
Question 4
A) Which of the following statements best interprets why the Canton System ended?
Correct Response: Europeans’ efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war.
Question 5
A) Why did early Qing rulers such as Kangxi incorporate Han culture and government systems used by earlier dynasties?
Correct Response: The Qing wanted to help unify the country and thought adopting existing ideas and the dominant culture would help with this.
These answers reflect a historical understanding of the dynamics during the Ming and Qing dynasties in China.