Here are the answers to your questions based on the information provided:
Question 1 A) Geographic Origins of Goods
- The correct response is:
Good Geographic Origin
Silk China
Spices Southeast Asia
Cotton India, the Nile Basin, and Central America
Porcelain China
This option accurately reflects the contemporary historical understanding of the origins of these goods.
Question 2 A) Purpose of the Silk Road
- The correct response is:
The purpose of the Silk Road was to trade, sell, and purchase goods from one town to the next using a land-based route.
This statement accurately summarizes the primary purpose of the Silk Road, which facilitated overland commerce between various regions.
Question 3 A) Summary of Columbus’s and Vasco da Gama’s Motivations
- The correct response is:
Both had three motivating factors; however, Columbus achieved spices, God, and glory, whereas da Gama achieved glory and silk.
This option correctly distinguishes the different outcomes and primary motivations of Columbus and Vasco da Gama.
Question 4 A) Impact of New Trade Systems on Global Economy
- The correct response is:
New economic ideas like mercantilism and capitalism enriched European economies.
This statement accurately reflects the significant impact of new economic ideas stemming from global trade systems on European economies.
Question 5 A) Cartaz System's Impact on Trade Patterns
- The correct response is:
Portuguese ports now had exclusive control of Indian Ocean trade.
This option recognizes how the cartaz system allowed the Portuguese to exert significant control over trade routes in the Indian Ocean, marking a departure from previous trade practices.
Feel free to ask if you need further clarification or additional questions!