Question 1

A photo taken of a person standing next to the driver's side of a vehicle with the door open. Keys are in one hand held up near the face with the other on the door handle before entering the vehicle.

A. When assessing your personal fitness to drive from lesson 4, what are 3 factors that can negatively impact your driving?
B. Choose one and explain the concern.

Question 2

A. How is the first car in the left lane violating the uniform traffic law?
B. How does that impact the behavior of the drivers following behind in that lane?

Question 3

A. When turning at this intersection, do the drivers or the pedestrian have the right of way?
B. Explain why.

Question 4

A photo taken from a high view of crowded traffic on a 3-lane limited-access highway. A dozen vehicles traveling in 3 parallel traffic lanes. 5 vehicles are traveling single file in the right lane 1 to 2 seconds behind each other. In the center lane are 4 vehicles traveling within 2 seconds of each other. The last vehicle in the center lane is in the process of moving to the left with no visible directional signal less than a second away from a tractor trailer ahead. The same driver is also less than a second away from the vehicle in the lane to the left where he’s headed.

A. Describe at least two risky driving behaviors you observe in this picture.
B. Choose one vehicle and explain what you would do differently.

Question 5

A photo taken from street level from the right lane of a four-lane divided highway with two vehicles traveling straight ahead. A black SUV is in the process of overtaking a gray pick up truck by moving to the left lane. The black SUV is following with a distance of 20 feet and does not have an active turn signal.

A. When changing lanes, what are the safety steps to follow?
B. What are the additional steps to follow when passing?

1 answer

Question 1

A. When assessing your personal fitness to drive from lesson 4, what are 3 factors that can negatively impact your driving?
- Fatigue
- Alcohol or drug use
- Distractions

B. Choose one and explain the concern.
- Fatigue can negatively impact driving as it can impair reaction time, decision-making skills, and overall alertness while behind the wheel. This can lead to increased risk of accidents.

Question 2

A. How is the first car in the left lane violating the uniform traffic law?
- The first car in the left lane is violating the law by not maintaining a safe following distance with the vehicle in front of them.

B. How does that impact the behavior of the drivers following behind in that lane?
- The lack of a safe following distance can cause a domino effect, as the cars behind the first car may have to brake suddenly if the first car slows down or stops abruptly, potentially leading to a chain reaction collision.

Question 3

A. When turning at this intersection, do the drivers or the pedestrian have the right of way?
- The pedestrian has the right of way.

B. Explain why.
- Pedestrians have the right of way at intersections and crosswalks to ensure their safety. Drivers must yield to pedestrians and allow them to cross before proceeding.

Question 4

A. Describe at least two risky driving behaviors you observe in this picture.
- Following too closely
- Changing lanes without signaling

B. Choose one vehicle and explain what you would do differently.
- The driver in the center lane that is changing lanes without signaling should use their turn signal to indicate their intention to move to the left, allowing other drivers to anticipate their actions and adjust accordingly.

Question 5

A. When changing lanes, what are the safety steps to follow?
- Check mirrors and blind spots
- Use turn signals
- Ensure there is enough space to merge safely

B. What are the additional steps to follow when passing?
- Check mirrors and blind spots again before changing lanes
- Increase following distance from the vehicle being passed
- Complete the pass efficiently and return to the original lane safely