Question 1 5 points Save

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
Janet entered the abandoned mountain monastery she noticed the moss-covered rocks below.
Janet entered the abandoned mountain monastery, she noticed the moss-covered rocks below.
Before entering the abandoned mountain monastery, Janet noticed the moss-covered rocks below.
Janet entered the abandoned mountain monastery; she noticed the moss-covered rocks below, she wondered how long they had been there.

Question 2
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
Bill was disguised in the photograph, therefore, his wife failed to recognize him.
Bill was disguised in the photograph therefore, his wife failed to recognize him.
Bill was disguised in the photograph; therefore, his wife failed to recognize him, she put the picture down and walked away.
Bill was disguised in the photograph; therefore, his wife failed to recognize him.

Question 3
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were political rivals after the Revolutionary War both served in the administration of George Washington.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were political rivals after the Revolutionary War, both served in the administration of George Washington.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were political rivals after the Revolutionary War, even though both served in the administration of George Washington, they both believed they served Washington well.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were political rivals after the Revolutionary War, even though both served in the administration of George Washington.

Question 4
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
If I'm not mistaken, that's your fourth piece of pie!
I'm not mistaken, that's your fourth piece of pie!
I'm not mistaken that's your fourth piece of pie!
If I'm not mistaken, that's your fourth piece of pie, how could you be so hungry?

Question 5
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
His hair was oiled and slick, as a result, the girl found him unattractive.
His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive, she left without a word.
His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive.
His hair was oiled and slick as a result, the girl found him unattractive.

now i know 2,3,4,5 are right but wouldnt one be D

5 answers

No. 1 is not D. That's a runon sentence.

Read carefully, and try again.
ok your right it is c cause D is using repetiton
Right. It's C.
but the rest are right