Here is the matched list of terms from Unit 5 Land Resources with their corresponding definitions/examples:
- Ocean currents/storm surges/Wind: t. Natural causes of beach erosion.
- Jetty/groin: e. Wall of rock/cement built perpendicular to shoreline to reduce beach erosion.
- Beach Erosion: l. General movement and loss of sand at a shoreline.
- Beach Nourishment: c. Replenishing beaches with new sand that has been dug up offshore.
- Dredge/Dredging: j. The act of digging up sand from under the water.
- Sustainability: s. Practices that help to preserve land, water and other natural resources for FUTURE usage.
- Green Roofs/Greenspace: b. Built in Urban spaces to promote the benefits of vegetation.
- Crop Rotation: g. A farming method where different crops are planted seasonally, each of which require different nutrients from the soil. This prevents overuse of the soils nutrients.
- Terrace farming: i. A farming method that reduces erosion by creating flat areas on a slope.
- Alley Cropping: h. A farming method that uses trees to provide shade for the crops.
- Intercropping: a. Several crops grown at once can increase the output.
- Carbon sequestration: q. Storage of carbon in the soil or in the trees/shrubs/plants.
- Loam: o. Ideal soil for crops: has a mix of sand, clay, silt.
- Eutrophication: k. Too many nutrients in a freshwater source leads to algal blooms; destroys the ecosystem of the water source.
- pH: p. A number that determines if a water source is acidic or basic.
- Carbon Dioxide: n. A greenhouse gas given off both naturally and by human activities.
- Aquifer: r. Area of ground that holds underground water - Must dig a well to reach this groundwater.
- Water Table: f. Top level of water in an Aquifer. A higher ________ means more groundwater for well usage but also higher likelihood of flooding.
- Flood damage effects: d. Destroyed homes & habitats, polluted water sources, increased food prices, loss of life and jobs.
- Flood Mitigation: m. Strategies by homeowners and communities to lessen the impact and burden of a potential flood. Often controlling how and where floodwater moves, while also taking care to build on higher ground.