Question 1

Reflect on your experiences of the different types of assessment that you encountered during teaching practice this year. Reference should be made to assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning.

Question 2
Design a test on the full Term 3 content of a CAPS grade 5 history class at the end of Term 3. Your test design should consider the class as diverse and mixed ability. The test should take a professional and formal school test format.

Question 3
(20) �
Write a formal report to a Head of Department on the design on your assessment in question 2. You should develop a concise rationale for your assessment design that provides an argument for your design choices.
Write in a formal letter format, do not use bullets. All sentences must be short, flowing, and complete.
The word limit is 500 words for question 3.

1 answer

Question 1:

During my teaching practice this year, I encountered different types of assessment that encompassed assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. Assessment of learning refers to the traditional form of assessment that evaluates students' knowledge and skills at the end of a unit or course. This type of assessment often takes the form of summative assessments such as tests, exams, or projects. I found that these assessments provided a comprehensive overview of students' understanding and helped me identify areas where they needed additional support or clarification.

Assessment for learning, on the other hand, focuses on gathering and analyzing information about students' learning progress during the learning process. This form of assessment includes formative assessments, such as quizzes, exit tickets, or discussions, which monitor students' understanding and allow for immediate feedback and interventions. I found that these assessments fostered a more interactive and individualized approach to teaching, as I was able to address misconceptions or provide targeted interventions based on students' performance.

Lastly, assessment as learning refers to the process of students actively engaging in self-assessment and reflective practices to monitor their own learning progress. This form of assessment encourages students to take ownership of their learning journey and develop metacognitive skills. I incorporated reflection activities, self-assessment checklists, and peer-feedback sessions into my teaching practice. I found that these activities promoted a deeper level of understanding and encouraged students to take responsibility for their learning.

Overall, I believe that a balanced approach to assessment that incorporates assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning is crucial in supporting students' holistic development and growth. It allows for a comprehensive evaluation of their knowledge and skills, provides timely interventions, and empowers them to become active participants in their own learning.

Question 2:

Test Design:
Grade 5 History - Term 3

Section 1: Multiple Choice
- 10 multiple-choice questions that cover the key concepts, events, and individuals studied during Term 3.
- Mix of factual recall and application-based questions.
- Allows students to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge.

Section 2: Short Answer
- 5 short answer questions that require students to provide concise explanations or examples related to the content studied during Term 3.
- Allows students to demonstrate their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Section 3: Extended Response
- 2 extended response questions that require students to provide detailed answers and support their arguments with evidence.
- Encourages students to demonstrate their analytical skills and understanding of historical concepts and perspectives.

Section 4: Visual Analysis
- 1 question that requires students to analyze and interpret a visual source related to the content studied during Term 3.
- Allows students to demonstrate their ability to interpret visual sources and draw conclusions.

Section 5: Personal Reflection
- 1 question that requires students to reflect on their learning journey and discuss the most significant aspects of the content studied during Term 3.
- Encourages students to engage in metacognitive thinking and to make connections between their learning and personal experiences.

The test design takes into consideration the diverse and mixed ability of the class by providing various question formats that assess different levels of understanding. The multiple-choice section allows for a quick evaluation of students' factual recall, while the short answer and extended response sections provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their critical thinking skills at different levels. The visual analysis section allows for a more visual and interpretive approach to assessment, accommodating different learning styles. Lastly, the personal reflection section encourages self-reflection and allows students to make personal connections to the content studied, making the assessment more meaningful and engaging.

Question 3:

[Your Name]

[Your Position]


[Head of Department's Name]
[School Name]
[School Address]

Dear [Head of Department's Name],


I am writing this formal report to provide you with a concise rationale for the design choices made in the assessment of Term 3 content for the Grade 5 History class. The assessment design aims to accommodate the diverse and mixed ability of the class while maintaining a professional and formal school test format.

The assessment design consists of five sections that assess different levels of understanding. The multiple-choice section allows for a quick evaluation of factual recall, providing a foundation for students to demonstrate their knowledge. This section was included to ensure that students have a solid understanding of the key concepts, events, and individuals studied during Term 3.

The short answer and extended response sections require students to provide concise explanations, examples, and detailed answers, respectively. These sections evaluate students' comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills, promoting a deeper understanding of the historical content. By including these sections, we can assess students' ability to apply information and think critically about historical concepts and perspectives.

The visual analysis section was included to accommodate different learning styles and provide opportunities for students to interpret visual sources. This section assesses their ability to analyze and draw conclusions based on visual evidence, fostering a multi-modal approach to assessment.

Lastly, the personal reflection section encourages self-reflection and allows students to make personal connections to the content studied. By reflecting on their learning journey and discussing the most significant aspects, students engage in metacognitive thinking, promoting a deeper level of understanding and making the assessment more meaningful and engaging.

The assessment design takes into consideration the diverse and mixed ability of the class. The multiple-choice section provides a starting point for all students, ensuring that they have a foundation of knowledge. The short answer and extended response sections allow for different levels of understanding to be evaluated, while the visual analysis section accommodates different learning styles. The personal reflection section encourages students to make personal connections, ensuring that the assessment is relatable and meaningful to each individual.

In conclusion, the assessment design for Grade 5 History - Term 3 takes into account the diverse and mixed ability of the class while maintaining a professional and formal school test format. The design choices made aim to assess students' knowledge, comprehension, critical thinking, analytical skills, and personal connections to the content studied. By using a variety of question formats, the assessment aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of students' understanding and foster a deeper level of engagement and learning.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]