Question 1.1. The Judiciary Act of 1789 established all of the following except that the Supreme Court would (Points : 1)

*A) have one Chief Justice.
B)have five associate justices.
C)sit in two sessions each year.
D)determine how many federal districts there would be.

Question 2.2. The professional qualifications model in the selection of judges holds that (Points : 1)
*A)judges should be evaluated on their ideology.
B)judges should be evaluated based on their credentials.
C)only Ivy League trained lawyers are qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.
D)only judges with a good rating from the American Bar Association may serve.

Question 3.3. The heart of Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee was (Points : 1)
A)whether treaties are supreme laws of the land.
B)whether states’ rights trumped national authority.
*C)the right of Virginia to seize property of traitors during war.
D)whether the Supreme Court had authority to overturn decisions of state courts.

Question 4.4. When the Court decides a case, it bases its decision on (Points : 1)
A)the preferences of the majority of justices.
B)past precedent.
C)the prevailing public opinion.
*D)what it thinks that Congress wants to hear.

Question 5.5. In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court held that (Points : 1)
A)states’ rights to regulate may not trample on powers specifically reserved for Congress.
*B)States’ rights supersede national authority.
C)the national government does not have interstate commerce authority.
D)the 10th Amendment trumps the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Question 6.6. The 1964 Civil Rights Act (Points : 1)
A)required localities to bus students in order to end racial segregation.
B)overturned the 1921 anti-boycotting law.
C)ended racial segregation in schools, at the workplace, and by “public accommodations.”
D)required voters to pass a literacy test before registering.

Question 7.7. The trajectory of cases from Roe v. Wade to Parenthood v. Casey appear to suggest that a woman’s right to choose (Points : 1)
A)cannot be hindered in any way by states.
*B)is completely subject to a state’s legislation.
C)can be restricted so long as those restrictions do not create an undue burden.
D)may be imposed upon by undue burdens from the state.

Question 8.8. Affirmative action is about (Points : 1)
*A)making financial amends for slavery.
B)achieving a color blind society in America.
C)moving the Civil Rights Movement into its next phase by promoting equal opportunity.
D)enrolling more minorities than whites in universities.

Question 9.9. The American Civil Rights Movement was about (Points : 1)
A)ending racial discrimination and achieving equal voting rights.
*B)achieving free speech.
C)ending affirmative action.
D)creating “separate but equal” public facilities.

Question 10.10. The various cases with regards to religious freedom are concerned with excessive entanglements between government and religion. This means (Points : 1)
A)that non-denominational prayer in schools can be permitted.
*B)voucher systems like the one in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris created a constitutionally allowed choice between public and private schools.
C)local school boards can provide subsidies to church-related schools.
D)both religion and government are strengthened when united.

3 answers

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Is the following statement true or false? Justify your answer using what you know about diameters and chords.

Every diameter of a circle is a chord.

Is the following statement true or false? Justify your answer using what you know about diameters and chords.

Every diameter of a circle is a chord.

Is the following statement true or false? Justify your answer using what you know about diameters and chords.

Every diameter of a circle is a chord.
20 = 1 = 10000 (0% deviation)
210 = 1 024 ≈ 10001 (2.4% deviation)
220 = 1 048 576 ≈ 10002 (4.9% deviation)
230 = 1 073 741 824 ≈ 10003 (7.4% deviation)
240 = 1 099 511 627 776 ≈ 10004 (10% deviation)
250 = 1 125 899 906 842 624 ≈ 10005 (12.6% deviation)
260 = 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 ≈ 10006 (15.3% deviation)
270 = 1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 ≈ 10007 (18.1% deviation)
280 = 1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 ≈ 10008 (20.9% deviation)
290 = 1 237 940 039 285 380 274 899 124 224 ≈ 10009 (23.8% deviation)
2100 = 1 267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 376 ≈ 100010 (26.8% deviation)
2110 = 1 298 074 214 633 706 907 132 624 082 305 024 ≈ 100011 (29.8% deviation)
2120 = 1 329 227 995 784 915 872 903 807 060 280 344 576 ≈ 100012 (32.9% deviation)
2130 = 1 361 129 467 683 753 853 853 498 429 727 072 845 824 ≈ 100013 (36.1% deviation)
2140 = 1 393 796 574 908 163 946 345 982 392 040 522 594 123 776 ≈ 100014 (39.4% deviation)
2150 = 1 427 247 692 705 959 881 058 285 969 449 495 136 382 746 624 ≈ 100015 (42.7% deviation)