firmly: firm-ly
interpret: in-ter-pret
fortunate: for-tu-nate
popular: pop-u-lar
Thursday: Thurs-day
1 / 2
Look at the list of words. Break each word into syllables. Underline the r-controlled syllables in each word. Click SUBMIT when you are all done.
firmly interpret fortunate popular Thursday
Maximum 600 characters
3 answers
2 / 2
Look at the list of words. Break each word into syllables. Underline the r-controlled syllables in each word. Click SUBMIT when you are all done.
disregard generation importance hazardous urgent
Maximum 600 characters
2 / 2
Look at the list of words. Break each word into syllables. Underline the r-controlled syllables in each word. Click SUBMIT when you are all done.
disregard generation importance hazardous urgent
Maximum 600 characters
disregard: dis-re-gard
generation: gen-er-a-tion
importance: im-por-tance
hazardous: haz-ard-ous
urgent: ur-gent
generation: gen-er-a-tion
importance: im-por-tance
hazardous: haz-ard-ous
urgent: ur-gent