Q1. Identify whether the word groups are fused sentence, comma splice or correct sentence.(4)

i There is nothing better for a cold than a hot coffee and a big box of chocolate ____________
ii She ran out of the room the shadows in the corner had scared her._________
iii Tim rushed out of the house, as he desperately needed another pint of milk._____________
iv First, I must go shopping, then I have to decide what to fix for dinner. ________________
v She was, however, tired and worn out. _________________
vi I hiked for five hours yesterday, consequently I am too tired to go hiking again today. _________________
vii I don't care at least this year I will be successful. ________________
viii I continued watching the game and couldn't take my eyes off the action. ___________

1. correct sentence
2. comma splice
3. fused sentence
4. fused sentence
5. correct sentence
6. comma sentence
7. fused sentence
8. comma splice

5 answers

1. correct sentence yes
2. comma splice I don't see any comma in there.
3. fused sentence no
4. fused sentence yes
5. correct sentence yes
6. comma sentence What's a comma sentence?
7. fused sentence yes
8. comma splice I don't see any comma in there.
2.fused sentence
3. comma splice
6. comma splice
8. fused sentence
2 Is now correct. The others are not.

Be sure you are CLEAR on how to recognize these:
complete sentence
fused sentence
comma splice

thank you
is number 6 a correct sentence ?
My mistake ... you had it right when you called 6 a comma splice.