Q: What role do on the rowing team do you think you'll be good at,and Why?

1. I think I can be a good cox because I'm small and light.

2. I think I can be a good rower in the middle because I am very strong.

2-1. i think I can be one of the four rowers in the middle because I am powerful.

2-2. I think I can be a four because I am very strong and I can make the boat go faster. ("a four" is one of the rowers in the middle in the Boat Race.)

3. I think I can be a good stroke because I can set the stroke rate and rhythm.

4. I think I can be a good bow because I can keep the balance of the boat.

2 answers

I'm not familiar with rowing terms. I'll see if a friend can help you.
1. is fine although there is much more to being a good coxswain.

I would pick 2-2 because it is specific about why you want the big strong guys in the middle.

3. fine

4. fine.