Q: In baseball, the baseline is a segment connecting the bases. A shortstop is told to play back 3 yd from the baseline and exactly the same distance from second base and third base. Describe how the shortstop could estimate the correct spot. There are 30 yd between bases. Assume that the shortstop has a stride of 36 in.

The answer to this question is: Pace off 15 strides (15 yd) from the third base, make a 90 degree left turn, and count off three more strides (3 yd).

I don't really understand how my teacher got this so can someone please explain to me how to get this answer step by step?

1 answer

you need to note that one pace is one yard.

Now the instructions should make sense, since 15 paces is halfway from 3rd base to 2nd.