Equate the initial compressed spring energy, (1/2) k Xc^2, to the work done against friction PLUS the increase in potential energy, M g H. H is the height the block rises before turning back, and Xc is the spring compression, 0.15 m. The work done against friction is in two parts: the work done on the level surface, M g f1 x1, and the work done on the sloped surface, M g cos 35 f2 x2. The distance the block slides up the ramp is x2 = H/sin 35
Solve your equation for H and then compute H/sin 35
Q. a 2.0 kg block is placed against a spring of force constant 800 N/m, which has been compressed 0.15m. The spring is released, and the block moves 1.2m along a horizontal surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.19. The block then slides up the incline with a coefficient of friction of 0.24. Find the maximum distance the block slides up the incline before sliding back down.
The angle of an incline is 35 degrees
I know the answer.
The answer for this question is 0.30m but i don't know how to get this answer.
i need a solution.
2 answers
how do i solve for H?
can u explain it more specific and is f friction???
do you mean that (1/2) k Xc^2 is equal to M g H???
can u explain it more specific and is f friction???
do you mean that (1/2) k Xc^2 is equal to M g H???