Q.5.1 The sports organisation has many employees working for the organisation.

Personal assistants are responsible for managing the schedules of the
administrators who recruit and manage the players. The players are responsible for playing the matches organised for them.
Create the appropriate class diagrams that will represent the classes in the above scenario. Indicate the appropriate relationships between the classes. Include at least one attribute in each class as well as the relevant methods for each class.

1 answer

Based on the given scenario, the appropriate class diagrams can be created as follows:

1. Sports Organisation class:
- Attributes: employees (list of Employee objects)
- Methods: addEmployee(), removeEmployee(), getEmployees()

2. Employee class:
- Attributes: id (unique identifier), name
- Methods: setId(), getId(), setName(), getName()

3. Administrator class (subclass of Employee):
- Attributes: schedule (list of Schedule objects)
- Methods: addSchedule(), removeSchedule(), getSchedule()

4. Personal Assistant class (subclass of Employee):
- Attributes: assignedTo (Administrator object)
- Methods: setAssignedTo(), getAssignedTo()

5. Player class (subclass of Employee):
- Attributes: matchesPlayed (integer), matchesWon (integer)
- Methods: setMatchesPlayed(), getMatchesPlayed(), setMatchesWon(), getMatchesWon()

6. Schedule class:
- Attributes: date, time, event
- Methods: setDate(), getDate(), setTime(), getTime(), setEvent(), getEvent()

- Sports Organisation has a composition relationship with Employee (1 to many)
- Administrator has a composition relationship with Schedule (1 to many)
- Personal Assistant has an aggregation relationship with Administrator (1 to 1)
- Player has no additional relationships

Note: This is a simple representation of the classes and their relationships based on the given scenario. The actual design may vary depending on the specific requirements and additional features needed for the sports organisation.