Functionality: Flight booking
Interface design:
1. Home page:
- Displays list of available flights
- Search bar to enter flight details
- Booking button for selecting flights
2. Flight selection page:
- Shows detailed information about the selected flight
- Option to choose seat preferences
- Add-ons like meals, insurance, etc.
- Proceed to payment button
3. Payment page:
- Secure payment gateway
- Options for different payment methods
- Confirmation of booking details
- Simple and intuitive design with clear navigation
- Minimized steps for booking a flight
- User-friendly forms for entering details
- Easy access to help and support options
- Important information like flight details and prices prominently displayed
- Clear calls to action for booking and payment
- Consistent design throughout the booking process
- Error messages displayed clearly for any input mistakes
- Buttons and links designed to look clickable
- Visual cues to guide users through the booking process
- Highlighted selected options for easy tracking
- Intuitive layout for users to easily understand and interact with the interface
Overall, the interfaces are designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for customers booking flights through the Airport CRM system, addressing usability, visibility, and affordance concepts.
Q.3.2 Select one functionality offered by the Airport Customer Relationship
Management System. Then, propose interfaces for the use of that functionality.
Any software can be used to create the interfaces. Include screenshots of the interfaces in your design.
Once you have designed the interfaces, discuss how you addressed the following concepts in your designs:
• Usability
• Visibility
• Affordance
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