
Imagine that you are creating a program that an online streaming service will use to manage its inventory of shows. Describe at least two classes that you would create and several subclasses.

1 answer

To create a program for managing an online streaming service's inventory of shows, we can design a structured set of classes that encapsulate the various entities involved. Here are two main classes and several subclasses that can help us manage the inventory effectively.

Main Classes

  1. Show

    • This class represents a generic show, which can be either a series or a movie. It includes attributes and methods common to all shows.


    • title: A string indicating the title of the show.
    • release_year: An integer representing the year the show was released.
    • genre: A list of strings representing the genres of the show (e.g., Drama, Comedy).
    • duration: An integer representing the total duration (in minutes) for movies or seasons.
    • rating: A float indicating the average rating of the show (e.g., between 0.0 and 10.0).
    • description: A string summarizing the show's premise.


    • get_details(): Returns detailed information about the show.
    • update_rating(new_rating): Updates the average rating based on viewer feedback.
  2. Inventory

    • This class manages the collection of shows available on the streaming service. It allows for adding, removing, and searching for shows.


    • shows: A list that holds instances of the Show class or its subclasses.


    • add_show(show): Adds a new show to the inventory.
    • remove_show(show_title): Removes a show from the inventory by its title.
    • search_show(title): Searches for and returns a show based on its title.
    • list_shows(): Lists all the shows currently in the inventory.

Subclasses of Show

  1. Series(Show)

    • Represents a television series or web series.

    Additional Attributes:

    • seasons: An integer indicating the total number of seasons.
    • episodes_per_season: A list of integers, each representing the number of episodes in each season.

    Additional Methods:

    • get_season_details(season_number): Returns details about a specified season.
  2. Movie(Show)

    • Represents a standalone movie.

    Additional Attributes:

    • director: A string representing the director of the movie.
    • cast: A list of strings representing the main cast members.
    • language: A string indicating the primary language of the movie.

    Additional Methods:

    • get_cast(): Returns a list of the main cast members.
  3. Documentary(Show)

    • Represents a documentary film or series.

    Additional Attributes:

    • producer: A string indicating the producer of the documentary.
    • subject: A string indicating the main subject or theme of the documentary.

    Additional Methods:

    • get_producer(): Returns the name of the producer.

Example Implementation

Here's a basic implementation of the classes described above:

class Show:
    def __init__(self, title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description):
        self.title = title
        self.release_year = release_year
        self.genre = genre
        self.duration = duration
        self.rating = rating
        self.description = description

    def get_details(self):
        return {
            'Title': self.title,
            'Release Year': self.release_year,
            'Genre': self.genre,
            'Duration': self.duration,
            'Rating': self.rating,
            'Description': self.description

    def update_rating(self, new_rating):
        # Update the average rating logic could be improved
        self.rating = new_rating

class Series(Show):
    def __init__(self, title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description, seasons, episodes_per_season):
        super().__init__(title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description)
        self.seasons = seasons
        self.episodes_per_season = episodes_per_season

    def get_season_details(self, season_number):
        if 0 < season_number <= self.seasons:
            return self.episodes_per_season[season_number - 1]
            return "Season not found."

class Movie(Show):
    def __init__(self, title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description, director, cast, language):
        super().__init__(title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description)
        self.director = director
        self.cast = cast
        self.language = language

    def get_cast(self):
        return self.cast

class Documentary(Show):
    def __init__(self, title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description, producer, subject):
        super().__init__(title, release_year, genre, duration, rating, description)
        self.producer = producer
        self.subject = subject

    def get_producer(self):
        return self.producer

class Inventory:
    def __init__(self):
        self.shows = []

    def add_show(self, show):

    def remove_show(self, show_title):
        self.shows = [show for show in self.shows if show.title != show_title]

    def search_show(self, title):
        for show in self.shows:
            if show.title == title:
                return show.get_details()
        return "Show not found."

    def list_shows(self):
        return [show.get_details() for show in self.shows]

# Example usage
inventory = Inventory()
movie = Movie("Inception", 2010, ["Sci-Fi", "Action"], 148, 8.8, "A thief who steals corporate secrets...", "Christopher Nolan", ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"], "English")
series = Series("Breaking Bad", 2008, ["Drama", "Crime"], 49, 9.5, "A chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine producer.", 5, [7, 13, 13, 10, 16])
documentary = Documentary("Our Planet", 2019, ["Documentary"], 408, 9.3, "A visually stunning series exploring the natural world.", "Alastair Fothergill", "Nature Conservation")



This implementation creates a structured and organized way to manage the streaming inventory, allowing the online streaming service to effectively track and manage its shows.

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