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The Wendigo is a purely anthropophagous beast, hungering for human flesh. Wendigos were once humans, but after being forced to eat human flesh to survive, they become supernatural monsters that retain little human features they once possessed. After their transformation, they begin to crave human flesh and feed solely on it. It will go to any lengths to procure this food, no matter the risk or possibility of injury. The Wendigo craves human flesh and is constantly starving for it (indicated by the beast’s lean, wiry frame). The Wendigo is known to have its preferences: the sweet fat of children, the soft skin of women, the course muscles of men (especially warriors and hunters), or the brittle bones of the elderly. In preparation for long winters (when few travelers are out and about), the Wendigo will stash away large pots filled to the rim with human remains in the highest tree branches. On rare occasions, it will take humans alive and hide them away in its lair, allowing the beast to feed whenever it wants. The Wendigo is more intelligent than many humans, and thus understands the value of storing and saving its food. However, it will only resort to this when food is scarce and it becomes desperate.
Although their name is described as an 'evil spirit', it is technically, a monster, and places it in the same classification as vampires and werewolves. The Wendigo has been known to enter cabins and other dwelling, unlocking them from the outside and slaughtering the inhabitants, then proceeding to convert the cabin into its own lair. The Wendigo tends to hibernate for long periods, ranging in length from a few months to years at a time. Once they awaken, they go into a feeding frenzy, and after having eaten enough humans, it retreats to its lair and falls back into hibernation once again.
At the same time, Wendigos are embodiments of gluttony, greed, and excess; never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims. It is also common that wendigos just capture humans to hoard their food, and then eat when hungry. Since the Wendigo constantly hungers for human flesh, it wreaks destruction in its pursuit of its chosen prey. It crashes through the forests, all the while uprooting trees, causing game animals to stampede, and causing whirlwinds. The monster is often thought to be the cause of ice storms, tornadoes, and violent winds. All of these weather-related phenomena are believed to signal the Wendigo’s presence.
When the Wendigo hunts, it stalks the victim for long periods. The chosen victim only has a dreadful feeling of being followed. However, the Wendigo has a sadistic streak. It prefers to terrify its victims before moving in for the kill. When it has had enough of stalking the victim, it lets out a growl or a shriek, which resonates through the forest and terrifies the beast’s prey. They panic, firing weapons haphazardly into the brush as the dense forest closes in on them. Eventually, the intended victim succumbs to insanity, running wildly into the forest with abandon. In such a state, they are easy prey for the Wendigo.

1 answer

The Wendigo is a malevolent, anthropophagous beast, known for its insatiable hunger for human flesh. Once human beings themselves, Wendigos are transformed into supernatural monsters after succumbing to cannibalism for survival, losing most of their former humanity in the process. This transformation fuels an unrelenting craving for human flesh, leading them to go to extreme lengths to procure it. The Wendigo’s lean, wiry frame is a testament to its perpetual starvation, with preferences for the sweet fat of children, the tender flesh of women, the robust muscles of men, and the brittle bones of the elderly.

In preparation for harsh winters when prey is scarce, Wendigos cache human remains in high tree branches or capture live humans to consume later. These creatures, despite their monstrous nature, exhibit a calculated intelligence, allowing them to store food for desperate times. Often likened to vampires and werewolves, Wendigos thrive on gluttony, greed, and excess, always searching for new victims to satisfy their endless hunger.

With a tendency to hibernate for months or even years, a Wendigo awakens to feast and subsequently retreats to its lair. During hunts, it stalks its victims, instilling fear before the kill. Its terrifying growl echoes through the woods, causing panic and leading victims into madness, making them easy prey. The havoc wreaked by the Wendigo is often linked to storms and whirlwinds, believed to precede its presence as it crashes through the forest in pursuit of its next victim.