Wash the potato and cut it in half.
On the flat side of one half, carve your design. You'll put ink on the raised parts of your design and press it onto a surface, so make sure the parts you want to show up are carved higher. You don’t need to carve a complicated design; simple shapes like a circle, square, heart, or letter will work. If you have a small cookie cutter, you can press it into the potato and carve around it to make a design.
Dry the design part of the potato with a paper towel or cloth.
Put ink or paint on the raised parts of your carving.
Before printing, decide where you want the design to go and measure to align it correctly—check how wide and tall your design is and how far from the edges you want it to be.
Press the potato ink-side down onto the surface firmly. Hold it in place for a few seconds—don’t move it while pushing down or you’ll smudge the design. When you lift it up, pull straight up so you don’t get ink where you don’t want it.