Put the following eras of Georgia's history in chronological order starting with the Antebellum Era:
Civil War Era, New South Era, Antebellum Era, Reconstruction Era, Bourbon Triumvirate Era, Progressive Era, Populist Era
My answer- Antebellum, Civil War, Reconstruction, Progressive, Bourbon Triumvirate, New South, and Populist
9 answers
Some of those events overlap. But your list looks good to me. Be sure to double check your reading assignment.
My reading assignments says
"The “eras” that historians arrange events into are defined by the big issues of the time. What were the major conflicts? What were the big economic issues at that moment? Who were the leaders whose decisions affected people’s everyday lives?
Place these eras of Georgia History into the table in chronological order, starting with the Antebellum (“before the war”) Era. For each, name at least one major issue or problem that defined the era, an economic development of the era, and at least one leader who decisions and statements were important."
"The “eras” that historians arrange events into are defined by the big issues of the time. What were the major conflicts? What were the big economic issues at that moment? Who were the leaders whose decisions affected people’s everyday lives?
Place these eras of Georgia History into the table in chronological order, starting with the Antebellum (“before the war”) Era. For each, name at least one major issue or problem that defined the era, an economic development of the era, and at least one leader who decisions and statements were important."
Thanks for posting that.
"For everyone saying I died. Stop it. I did not. I forgot about this website, and people started making up assumptions that I past away." I have seen this message everywhere. Why? She lost a battle due to cancer. People need to respect her. Everyone keeps hating on her, when all she was doing was telling people not to cheat because it's against the honor code. This website was made for helping your fellow students. Not for cheating. I am disappointed.. You all should have shame..
Kind of funny im on here the same day as @oml, but damn. i honestly hate it when people like them come on here. this website has been a cheating website for like 5 years, maybe more. we all know they are on here for cheating purposes lol
I'm glad I'm still on here. You're such a disgrace @h*ll. people like you are the people ruining our planet. You honestly deserve to go to h*ll. I bet you're going to grow up, and be a homeless scum. Nothing about you is funny. You're just a rude brat. Now I don't know your home life, but you need to change your personality. Such a disgrace to this world. People like you should not be allowed to communicate with civilized, kind people like me. No wonder you do home schooling. You probably got expelled from your old schools.
Omg- I called someone out, and now im being told to go to hell? damn. kinda funny tho
@oml.. why? just why? this was just so unnecessary lol
@oml=trash, I'll tell you why. Because I am a person who will say what I believe. I am a person that will call you out for being a terrible person. You shouldn't be on here @H*ll, or @oml=trash. I KNOW you two are on here cheating. I KNOW you're just mad I'm calling you out. Shut up, and just except what comes to you. Karma is real y'all. Karma is real. (Also... SPEAK WITH PROPER GRAMMAR)