• Write AND OR & NOT logic in pseudo-code and Raptor.
In Notepad, write pseudo-code for the following. The object of the game is to determine who the player is, based on a series of questions. Inputs Ask the player the following five Boolean questions and save the user's answers in variables.
• Are you the son of ZEUS? y/n
• Are you the son of HERA? y/n
• Can you be burned by fire? y/n
• Did you kill a monster? y/n
• Did you win a battle? y/n
When you ask the questions, use "y" for yes and "n" for no. Processing You MUST use AND OR and NOT to complete this exercise.You MUST use the following information to determine the answer
• Zeus and Hera have a son named Ares
• Hercules, the son of Zeus and Leto, killed the monster, Hydra
• Slaying a monster or winning a battle makes you Master Warrior
• Children of Poseidon cannot be burned by fire
Remember :- you will ask only those questions I gave you
- the answers will be yes/no
- the only possible "gods" could be the four I have listed. Otherwise the logic will not work. In other words, if Apollo was answering the questions (he is not one of the 4 gods on my list) you would get a weird answer. So stick to those 4 answering the questions.
OutputsWhen you figure out the answer, output the answerThese are the answers you will use:
• “You are Ares, the god of war”
• “You are Hercules, the immortal hero”
• “You are a Master Warrior of the Greek Gods”
• “You are Otos the giant - the child of Poseidon”
• "I don't know who you are"
At the end, output “Programmed by: your name” PART 2 - Use RAPTOR to program the Greek Gods Game.Submit both the Pseudo code and the Raptor files.NOTE: Here are two ways to code NOT in Raptor.not(age >21)
(age != 21) Extra Credit
• Figure out how to use the play_sound() function in Raptor. Add an appropriate sound effect for God, which plays when you figure out which God it is.
• You cannot use my files Blackboard, you must find your own.
• Hint: You can only use .wav files.
• Be sure to put all the .rap and the .wav files in a folder, zip it and submit it.
9 answers
Ask the player the following five Boolean questions and save the user's answers in variables.
• Are you the son of ZEUS? y/n
• Are you the son of HERA? y/n
• Can you be burned by fire? y/n
• Did you kill a monster? y/n
• Did you win a battle? y/n
When you figure out the answer, output the answer. These are the answers you will use:
• “You are Ares, the god of war”
• “You are Hercules, the immortal hero”
• “You are a Master Warrior of the Greek Gods”
• “You are Otos the giant - the child of Poseidon”
• "I don't know who you are"
So first, in your pseudo code, you have to ask for and store the five inputs.
Then, based on the five inputs, you have to print out one (and only one) output to the user.