punctuating sentences, adding subject/and or verb. I do not get it, I am lost with this assignment. I need help.

1. With five gallons of gas.
2. Because the store was closed.
3. For the seventh time.

None of these three is a complete sentence. You need to add words to complete each one. Here are some examples:

Fragment: After the movie
Fixed: We went for hamburgers after the movie.

Fragment: While we were dancing
Fixed: While we were dancing, there was a fireworks show going on.


So now ... how will you fix those three fragments? Please re-post with your responses, and we will give you feedback.



1. With five gallons of gas.
It took five gallons of gas to fill the tank.

2. Because the store was closed.
I could not buy milk, because the store was closed.

3. For the seventh time.
We have mailed the letter for the seventh time.


Numbers 2 and 3 are perfect. Number 1 is fine if your teacher doesn't mind your rephrasing of the original, but if you need to keep these three exactly the same, be sure to make a sentence for number 1 with the whole phrase "with five gallons of gas" in it somewhere. (In other words, don't forget the word "with.")

What do you think?


sounds good, i will correct it.

how about,

With five gallons of gas, the car ran perfectly.


You've got it.


Thank you! my daughter is also helping me.

Hey! Take all the help you can get!!

Here are some of my favorite grammar websites:

Grammar, punctuation, etc., in the Word & Sentence Level; writing skills in the Paragraph Level; writing process and strategies, types of writing, etc., in the Essay & Research Paper Level.

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Use Terms for explanations; use Exercises for practice.

Ignore the URL words (!) and use the links to whatever grammatical structure you need help with.

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