Ps. 109:2 For the wicked and the deceitful open their mouths against me. They speak about me with lying tongues;

Make a comment out of this verse, make it a very very very very very short paragraph, and use the JW bible to help you make the comment

3 answers

In Psalm 109:2, we see a recognition of the distress that comes from wicked and deceitful individuals who use their words to harm others. This verse serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting our hearts against slander and falsehoods, emphasizing the need for integrity and truth in our own speech, as we strive to reflect Jehovah's qualities in the face of adversity.


Psalm 109:2 highlights the pain of facing slander from the wicked. It reminds us to guard our hearts and maintain our integrity, reflecting Jehovah's truth amidst deceit.