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Reactions properties of the substance's properties of products

Reaction1: magnesium A small piece of a silvery metal small bubbles are seen
plus, hydrochloric acid (magnesium) and a container accumulating on the
of clear hydrochloric acid. metal strip.

Reaction 1: Was this a chemical or physical reaction? how do you know.

1 answer

Reaction 1 is a chemical reaction. You can determine this by observing the following indicators:

  1. Formation of Gas: The small bubbles accumulating on the metal strip indicate that a gas is being produced during the reaction. In this case, hydrogen gas is likely being generated as magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid.

  2. New Substances: A chemical reaction results in the formation of new substances with different properties from the reactants. In this reaction, magnesium and hydrochloric acid react to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas, which were not present before the reaction.

  3. Change in Properties: The properties of the substances involved change during a chemical reaction. The appearance of bubbles (a gas) and the change in the properties of the remaining solution are indicative of a chemical change.

These points collectively demonstrate that the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid is indeed a chemical reaction.