Patient Name: Sarah Johnson
Age: 30 years
Gender: Female
Subjective Medical History:
1. Chief Complaint:
- The patient presents with persistent pain and swelling in the left leg.
2. Presenting Symptoms:
- Pain in the left leg: The patient has been experiencing dull, deep, and continuous pain in her left leg for the past six months. The pain has progressively worsened over time and is now interfering with her daily activities.
- Swelling and tenderness: The patient has noticed gradual swelling around the affected area. The swelling is accompanied by tenderness upon touch and worsens after prolonged activity.
3. Onset and Duration:
- The patient first noticed slight discomfort in her left leg approximately six months ago. The pain gradually increased in intensity, leading her to seek medical attention.
4. Aggravating and Alleviating Factors:
- Aggravating factors: The pain intensifies after physical activity, prolonged standing, or walking a long distance.
- Alleviating factors: The pain slightly subsides with rest, elevation of the leg, and the use of over-the-counter pain medications.
5. Past Medical History:
- No significant past medical history.
- No history of similar symptoms or bone-related conditions.
6. Family Medical History:
- No known family history of bone tumors or related conditions.
7. Social History:
- Occupation: The patient works as an office assistant, requiring long hours of sitting at a desk.
- Physical activity: She engages in light exercise, such as walking and jogging, on a regular basis.
- Tobacco and alcohol use: The patient denies any tobacco or alcohol use.
8. Medications:
- The patient does not take any prescribed medications regularly.
- She occasionally takes over-the-counter pain relievers when the pain becomes unbearable.
9. Allergies:
- The patient has no known drug allergies.
10. Psychosocial History:
- The patient appears to be quite stressed and anxious due to the persistent pain and its impact on her daily activities.
- No history of mental health disorders or significant psychosocial stressors.
It is important to note that this is a fictional medical history and any real-life medical cases should be assessed by a qualified healthcare professional.
Provide me well organized subjective medical history sample for a 30 years old female patient with a bone tumor.
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