The exceptionality portrayed in the film "Like Stars on Earth" can be substantiated by looking at it through the lens of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
In the film, the main character, Ishaan, is a young boy who struggles with dyslexia, a learning disability that affects his ability to read and write. According to IDEA, a learning disability is one of the categories of disabilities that qualify a student for special education services. In order to be identified as having a learning disability, a student must demonstrate a significant discrepancy between their intellectual ability and their academic achievement, as well as exhibit specific learning difficulties in areas such as reading, writing, or mathematics. Ishaan's struggles with reading and writing clearly align with the characteristics of a learning disability as defined by IDEA.
Additionally, the DSM-5 recognizes dyslexia as a neurodevelopmental disorder that can impact an individual's ability to read accurately and fluently. The DSM-5 criteria for dyslexia include difficulties with word recognition, decoding, and spelling, as well as difficulties with reading comprehension. Ishaan's struggles with reading and writing can be seen as consistent with the DSM-5 criteria for dyslexia.
Overall, the exceptionality portrayed in "Like Stars on Earth" can be supported by the research-based definitions and criteria outlined in IDEA and the DSM-5. Through these frameworks, Ishaan's dyslexia is depicted as a legitimate and significant challenge that warrants understanding, support, and intervention.
Provide a rationale substantiating the exceptionality portrayed in like stars on earth, supporting your response with IDEA or DSM-5 definitions
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